So, remember my post about digital design magazines and how I said I missed ripping pages from my favorite ones? Well, scratch that. Since discovering Pinterest, a site that lets me collect images from anywhere on the web and create online inspiration boards, I'm a happy girl again. Finally, I have a place to store design ideas, cool color combinations, pretty fonts, dream homes and more. Similar to Flickr or Twitter, I can also follow other users and browse, post comments on, or repin their images to my own boards.
To use the site, it's best if you download the "pin it" bookmarklet. That way, all you need to do is click on an image, choose or create an inspiration board and Pinterest will save it there. Best of all, Pinterest automatically sources each image making it easy to remember where I found them.
I heard about the site from Liz Stanley of Say Yes to Hoboken, a blog I mentioned last week. She had shared the image above on her site and I loved the pink and orange combo. After I asked her how she found it, she invited me to join Pinterest, warning that it was highly addictive. She was right. I stayed up way too late on Sunday pinning photos from some of my favorite sites and exploring other people's boards. If you'd like to join, leave a comment or email me and I'll send you an invite. The first five images in this post are some I pinned on Sunday and I plan on saving many more.
{Photo credits: #1 Cupcakes and Cashmere, #2 Lonny, #3 Betsy Dunlap, #4 Pinterest, #5 Bolog Magasinet}
Hi Lia, I stumbled upon your blog accidentally and have spent the last couple of days reading it from your very first post. I love your honesty about your likes and dislikes, and I'm so jealous of your proximity to Manhattan. And your metabolism! If I even smelled all of the wonderful things you get to eat on a daily basis in Brooklyn I'd weigh 500 lbs! You're a wonderful writer, and reading about your life is a treat. Please keep writing often!
-Kyli in Houston
Hi Kyli! Thanks so much for your comment. I'm glad you found my blog and that you've enjoyed it. I'm trying to write whenever I can!
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