Like many people, I mourned when
Domino folded. Getting their issues in the mail always made me giddy and I couldn't bear to throw a single one away. I have yet to find a replacement for a magazine I regularly read cover to cover, but these four digital ones, and another that's only available in print but can be previewed online, are helping to fill the void. To be honest, they all kind of overwhelm me with their perfect photos of unbelievable homes, cool clothes, and articles on inspiring people. I'm still figuring out the best way to flip through them and prefer holding a magazine in my hands and ripping out pages to fiddling with a mouse or zooming in and out. Web surfing struggles aside, I'm in awe of all the creative and ambitious women behind these publications. If I had more time, I'd click through every page of all their recent issues. For now, I'm just taking quick peeks when I can and saving photos that speak to me like the ones below. I'd love to cook in all these kitchens and am tucking the Paris tips away for a future trip.
I was too late in my design interest to enjoy Domino, it was already gone. Late to the party. But happy to have more inspiration, I knew of a few of the above, and now have new sites to obsess over. Thanks!
Oh Katia, Domino was the best. You could always buy The Book of Decorating that they published in 2008. It's great.
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