
A Pretty Ice Cream Parlor

In my opinion, yesterday's weather called for celebratory scoops of ice cream. Too bad I'm in the middle of Lent. Still, I couldn't keep myself from checking out Van Leeuwen's new shop in Boerum Hill. I managed to just walk by the other day without going in. But the place practically beckoned to me yesterday with its floor to ceiling windows. I tried to just take a peek, but it wasn't long until I was inside gazing longingly at their case of baked goods and pretty ice cream menu. To distract myself from how badly I wanted to try something, I focused on all the other things I liked about the shop. How those windows let in so much light, for one. And the white brick walls, dainty light fixtures, marble countertops, cheery yellow stools, and cool botanical wall paper that features the same plants from their menu. I was planning to go back in a few weeks when Lent is over. Turns out I left my camera case there which means I'll be back again this weekend for a little more torture.

Van Leeuwen Ice Cream
81 Bergen Street (at Smith)
Boerum Hill, Brooklyn

1 comment:

  1. Really love the decor and atmosphere of this place.
