
Sledding Envy

 It's day three without heat or hot water over here. Last night I put Leo to bed with a hat and mittens and when he woke up at 3am, his little nose was as cold as mine.

Outside Prospect Park is covered with snow and the wind is whipping. Daniel returned to work this morning, his Mom is spending her last day in the city, and I'm back on my own with the boys. It looks beautiful outside and I'm contemplating bundling us all up and braving the cold. But coming home to a freezing apartment after frolicking in the snow seems strange. Then again, we did that yesterday and once we finally got out, it was wonderful.

What I really want to do is go sledding. I just spotted this family and their yellow sled as I was peeking out the window and wish I could join them. I'm just not sure how to sled with a toddler and infant on my own. Leo in the Ergo and Nico on my lap? Maybe, but doesn't sound the safest. For now, we're stuck inside watching movies, building train tracks, drinking hot cocoa, and wearing layer upon layer of clothes. When Leo wakes up from his morning nap, we'll see.

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